Links and Resources

John Abbott

External Resources

If you need some more visual instruction or just want another take on the subject, these links might be helpful for you. Note that these are definitely NOT a replacement for going to class.

For Instructors

Copy and paste the contents of your class list to the left panel. The right panel will have your list properly formatted, which you can then paste into a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit and save it as an lst file.

Note: This now automatically generates student email addresses, and has been tested in Firefox and Chrome.

Copy and paste the contents of your class list to the left panel. The right panel will have your list properly formatted, which you can then which you can then paste into a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit. Then save it as a CSV file.

Note: You may have to ensure that Gradescope enters the student name as two separate columns (FIRST NAME and LAST NAME).